Discover 101 Transformational Treatments for Mind, Body, and Soul

Are you holding out for something greater, something better? Allow me to guide you through your own unique needs and create the perfect simple daily practice. Our comprehensive 101 treatments include Deep Tissue Massage, Pain Management, Emotional Release Massage, Acupressure, and Scalar Sound Treatments.

The body has a language of its own for us to read and “innerstand,” enabling us to make healthy changes for an optimum life experience. Learn the tools to interpret these signs and navigate your journey, transforming your daily routine into a fulfilling way of life.

Imagine all your problems disappearing, giving way to your perfect life’s purpose. Your truth awaits you. Book your 101 treatment or better still, purchase your transformational package today, and let’s commit to YOU living your best life possible.

“wow tracie, my session with you was so amazing! you are truly gifted”

– jenny a private 101 client

chakra clearing

biofield tuning

energy healing

learn simple body functions

learn the language of your body

become truly free & happy & calm

understand who you truly are

Grateful Clients

“Tracie, first- I’m so thankful, so grateful and happy after any section with you. I’m so blessed to having opportunity to improve my life with you. Sound healing is just like miracle, when I’m feeling any my cell is washing away any negativity and take place only divine light. And after I have feelings, like you giving me wings to fly. And when life goes on, with duality, good and not so good, I’m just needed to remember you, yours personality, sound, what’s you created and feeling great again. And any with pain in my body, disappeared issues.

I like any things, what’s you do, always something new I’m learning, and maybe not straight to used all of that, but I’m have knowledge, were to getting advice, if I’m need. And this is priceless.

Thank you so much and can’t wait to see you again.”

~Ilze Key

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